Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, March 3, 2025

I Have Raised My Voice in Different Wonders throughout the World, I Have Spoken and I Still Come Back to You, and So Few, So Few, Are Those Who Draw Near! So Few, Oh So Few, Follow My Path!

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on February 10, 2025


The LORD - Don't be afraid! Fear comes from the Devil, the Evil One. You will be shaken by your own sins, by your own faults. Can a society, a family where division reigns, survive? No, children, it is driven apart and finally disappears. Only love unites; if you remain in prayer, confident and serene, you will be united.

Who scatters? The Enemy! Don't let yourselves be abused or deceived by him, he wants to defy time, My time, he wants to annihilate My Word by silencing My Presence in the heart of man. I silently seal the hearts of My children in Mine and invite them to follow Me. Victory will be won by the one who, in silence, keeps his heart close to Mine. From heart to heart I will guide him and lead him where he needs to be; and it is certainly in My Presence that man must take his step, his gaze and his heart. Then his spirit will awaken and he will be able to ascend to the Sun of My Heart, in silence and contemplation, which will fill him with strength.

Enter My House, children, and come and stay close to Me. I am waiting for you every moment. Do not delay, Time is coming and it will be heavy, only the veil of My Heart that I will place on you to protect you from the thousand incessant attacks will allow you to maintain serenity and hope. But you have not seen fit to listen to Me, you have not seen fit to follow Me, but you have preferred to wander in pleasures that are nothing more than lies. You have chosen the world, the artificial, the easy, and your hearts have closed themselves off to the springs of the Living Water that has flowed into you from Heaven to flood you with My love.

Come, children, I am still waiting for you! The heavenly manna will descend upon you to protect you and save you from the lies of the world. But if you refuse to come, to put your footsteps in Mine, to listen to My voice on the banks of the river of your hearts, what will become of you? I have raised My voice in different wonders throughout the world, I have spoken and I still come back to you, and so few, so few, are the ones who come! Then the time of desolation will come, because, children, desolation is in your hearts and you do not want to follow My path, but you pursue your own and silently, unconsciously, you go where no one would like to go and you follow the Son of perdition who is lost.

Why so much noise in the nations? Why so much shouting? Why so much abuse, so much hatred? Why so many problems? Because you have consecrated your hearts to the devil, casting out My Holy Face with contempt, and the evil one's hatred and spirit of death have entered your hearts in great numbers. You have adhered to its laws and you will pay the price and suffer. Change is coming and it's coming fast!

Because you have sat down with the devil and his acolytes, because you have adhered to evil, evils will devour your lands, all your lands; By that I mean yourselves, but also your countries, your laws, your world which has become a world of insanity and perversion. So few, oh so few, follow My path! But, children, there will come a time when both the good and the bad will perish. The good will be the lambs sacrificed to save the world, but will he save the world?

You have followed in the footsteps of the infamous and continue this mad race despite all My warnings. Moreover, I, Jesus, will not hold back, I will no longer hold back the arm of the Father and I will let what must be done be done. Many will perish, but not all, and those who are saved will come before My courts. I have prolonged time, but through disobedience you have shortened it.

Children, make amends, recognize your defects, your faults. Expel pride from your hearts, cast out the weeds and return to Me with all your heart. In My footsteps you will find rest, in My footsteps you will find the way and you will walk towards the Light that I Am, in the Light that I Am and I will guide your steps on My path. Children, Heaven is love and My Heart is love, like the Love of the Father who begot Me.

I come to you, I come towards you, to bring you the fruit of My Heart, which is love, and to free you from the traps of the evil one. Follow My path, listen to My voice in you and you will live from Heaven, children, from the Heaven that descends to you to lead you to the Eternal Kingdom and free you from the lying impostors. Do not follow the path of the one who leads you to perdition, nor the voices of all those who rule your world, because they are proud; they are neither servants nor servants of the people, but serve themselves by putting themselves first. Children, it is lies that rule the world!

Stand aside. The traps of the clever are numerous. Only prayer and trust in My Sacred Heart will guide your steps. Come to Me, do not sleep, but watch and pray, and I will show you the path; it is unique, it is Mine, and I desire with an immense desire that each one of My children walk in My footsteps, in the mark of My footsteps, from where they will take flight towards the Heart and in the Heart of the Father. The path, children, is mapped out, in the silence of your hearts you follow it. No, you will not be orphans, you will live with Me, but follow in My footsteps and advance towards the Light. Children, I am the Light of the world. Recognize Me and you will live!

O My little shepherds, enter My courts, I am waiting for you, I am calling you! Do not fear My call, but fear the voices of the world that bring disorder and war: these are the voices of Evil, the voices of pride, of the Proud One who always seeks to destroy. Open your hearts, open your ears, listen to My voice, I am calling you. I come to take My flock, My sheep, My lambs and My sheep, and lead them to the court of My Heaven to guide them even higher, on the eternal paths of the only Truth: the Father, the Eternal Father, My Father and your Father, Creator of all created things, Spirit of love and truth, Spirit of wisdom and strength, Spirit of holiness.

Come, children, I await you in the cradle of My Heart and joy will take hold of your hearts and in joy you will be and live. For each one I have prepared a place and each one of you will meet. You will be witnesses to the Truth and the Wisdom of My Heart will fill your hearts.

Children, in My eternal Light I call all of Mine to follow Me. I have traced the path for you, in My footsteps place yours, I promise you Beatitudes. May My Will always be yours and you will live in eternal happiness. Come, children, I have prepared the path and in it flows the divine Source, the divine Source that leads to the Heart of the Father, where all are awaited.

Source: ➥ t.Me/NoticiasEProfeciasCatolicas